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Sister Tori Kempf Baptized

August 2, 2020 - Immediately following morning worship services, Sister Tori Kempf was baptized into the faith and fellowship of Forest Primitive Baptist Church.  Sister Tori previously came forward after services the 1st Sunday in July.  She confessed her love and desire to follow the Lord, Jesus Christ.  The baptism was a sweet time of rejoicing at Forest PBC. Elder Coy Thomas g...
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The Apostles Doctrine

The truth is simple and does not change.  The Apostles of the first century had a simple message of truth: this same Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of God.  The Apostles doctrine, or teaching, told about Jesus Christ and all that He accomplished.  It recounts His 3-1/2 year ministry that ended with a cruel and unmerciful death upon a Roman cross.  It also proclaims His victory over death...
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