Home > Testimonials > What is truth? – Pilate (c. 30)

What is truth? – Pilate (c. 30)

We live in uncertain times. We are constantly overwhelmed with information from multiple sources. It has become very difficult to discern what is true, what is accurate, or even what is rational. At Forest Primitive Baptist Church, we have found a singular source of truth. The Bible contains truthful, accurate, and rational information from cover to cover. It reassures us about our great God and His never failing mercy. It teaches us about a Saviour that has “saved us to the uttermost.” It dispels our fears and gives us strength each day. Come discover these golden nuggets of truth as we worship each Sunday at 10:30am.

Ecclesiastes 12:10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.
